I got bored the other day and decided to thumb through the my closet & basement of portfolios from high school and colleges. Binders and paper boxes just filed to the brim with negatives and prints. I began my career/journey in photography by shooting skateboarding and music. The two things that I loved most when I was 15 years old. I never left home without my camera. Looking back through the thousands of images of dark concert halls and skate "spots" really brought to mind my overall goal and mission as a photographer. To shoot what truly interests and inspires me. I think back to all my years working as an assistant to photographers who were just trying to make bank by doing as little as possible. I feel lucky everyday to be able to work in an industry where I get to travel the county and meet new faces on a daily basis. I've seen some amazing places and met some of the greatest people in the world all because I am pursuing what I love to do.
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